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    miSW Rel. 7.2  
    Saturday - 27 July 2024   
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TS01 (Special Session) 
Resilience of Electrical Systems, Climate Changes and Energy Transition

Massimo Pompili - Sapienza University of Rome,
Emanuele Ciapessoni - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico – RSE,
Luigi Calcara - Sapienza University of Rome

Papers and Presentations will be accessible
for Registered Partecipants starting from 2022-09-28

(login required with the same credentials used for registration)

TS01_01 Frequency regulation for dynamic islanding operations in multi-fuel microgrids

Matteo Spiller (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Andrea Vicario (Politecnico of Milan, Italy); Filippo Bovera, Marco Merlo, Giuliano Rancilio and Aleksandar Dimovski (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

TS01_02 A statistical approach to analyze possible correlations between Space Weather events and recorded failures on the Italian transmission grid

Cristina Terlizzi (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Francesco Silletti (Terna Spa, Italy); Francesco Berrilli and Stefano Bifaretti (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Vincenzo Bonaiuto (Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy); Giuseppe Consolini and Dario Del Moro (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Luca Orrù (Terna SpA, Italy); Luca Santo (Terna S.p.A., Italy); A. Spena Spena (Università di Roma Tor Vergata - Facoltà di Ingegneria, Italy)

TS01_03 A capital light solution to increase power system resilience against wet snow: the Italian experience with anti-torsional devices

Federico Falorni (Terna, Italy); Alessandro Lazzarini (Terna Corporate S.p.A., Italy); Emanuele Ciapessoni (RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, Italy); Andrea Pitto and Diego Cirio (Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE S.p.A., Italy); Giovanni Pirovano (RSE, Italy); Francesco Marzullo (Terna Corporate S.p.A., Italy); Francesca Scavo (Terna, Italy); Enrico Carlini (Terna Rete Italia, Italy); Silverio Casulli (Terna SpA, Italy)

TS01_04 Future projections of wet-snow events and loads on overhead lines

Paola Faggian and Arianna Trevisiol (RSE S.p.A., Italy); Emanuele Ciapessoni (RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, Italy); Francesco Marzullo (Terna Corporate S.p.A., Italy); Francesca Scavo (Terna, Italy)

TS01_05 Impacts of synthetic correlated generation of weather variables on adequacy analyses

Giuseppe M Tina (University of Catania, Italy); Claudio Nicolosi (Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy); Domenico Stefanelli (Enel, Italy)

TS01_06 Emergency Generators for Supplying Islanded MV Networks

Tommaso Bragatto (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Marco Maccioni, Fabio Massimo Gatta and Alberto Geri (University of Rome Sapienza, Italy); Luigi D'Orazio (E-distribuzione, Italy); Alberto Cerretti (e-distribuzione, Italy); Roberto Turri (University of Padova, Italy)

TS01_07 Evaluation of Weather Forecast Uncertainty for HV Grid Operational Resilience Improvement

Massimo Pompili (University of Rome Sapienza, Italy); Luigi Calcara (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy); Simone Talomo (Terna, Italy); Gabriele Biasiotti (Terna Rete Italia, Italy); Michele Poli (Terna, Italy); Mirko Romanin (Terna Rete Italia, Italy); Chiara Vergine (Terna, Italy)


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